Session Description

Whether you’ve been self-publishing for years or are just considering that route, researching how to get your self-published book in front of readers can quickly become overwhelming. With everything from building your own author website to social media, hiring professional help or DIY, KU or “Going Wide”, formatting, newsletters, LLCs, marketing, finances, and more, when it comes to successful self-publishing, writing the book might actually be the easiest part! This workshop is crash course in the non-writing parts of self-publishing, taught by an author who has found success after having to learn it all the hard way!

Samantha SoRelle grew up all over the world and finally settled in Georgia, USA where the humidity does all sorts of things to her hair. When she’s not writing, she’s doing everything possible to keep from writing. This has led to some unusual pastimes including perfecting fake blood recipes, designing her own cross-stitch patterns, and wrapping presents for tigers. She also enjoys collecting paintings of tall ships and has one pest of a cat who would love to sharpen his claws on them.